Trent Child Care utilizes a centralized waitlist for its nine sites. To gain access to the waitlist, families must complete online registration through the City of Peterborough (One HSN) which the link can be found at https://onehsn.com/peterborough/ux_2. If you have any questions, you can call the Executive Assistant at 705-775-0045 ext. 1 who can provide the required information.
Campus Site:
To respect an agreement between Trent Child Care and Trent University (TU), which states that, to the best of its ability, TCC will fill its child care spaces with the following ratios: 1/3 TU students, 1/3 TU staff and faculty and 1/3 community members, priority is given accordingly to Trent University students, staff and faculty at its site located on the Symons Campus.
All Sites:
- Siblings of current participants. To be included on the waitlist the family must complete online registration on the One HSN centralized waitlist.
- Families waiting for a transfer to another site must complete online registration on the One HSN centralized waitlist.
- Children of current TCC employees. To be included on the waitlist, the employee must complete online registration on the One HSN centralized waitlist.
- Returning families. To be included on the waitlist must complete online registration on the One HSN centralized waitlist.
Special Consideration:
Special consideration may be given to families on the waitlist who risk losing their newly granted fee subsidy if they do not secure a child care space within a specific time frame, and to children referred to TCC by support organizations with which it has a partnership.
NOTE: Waitlist priorities render the waitlist dynamic, which means that first place on the waitlist may be pushed down by a new waitlist family with a higher priority.
Waitlist Management
To ensure that families gain access to TCC’s programs in the shortest time possible, the following practices are put in place:
- The date of registration on the waitlist will reflect the date the registration was completed online.
- A family who refuses a space the first time it is offered or fails to return the first call will retain its priority on the waitlist.
- A family who refuses a space when offered a second time or fails to return a second call will be placed at the end of the waitlist.
- A family who refuses a third offer for a space or fails to return a third call will be withdrawn from TCC’s waitlist. Once withdrawn from the waitlist, a family must forward a new online registration to the One HSN centralized waitlist.
- It is the family’s responsibility to change any information on the online registration.
- If a family is inquiring as to their position on the waitlist, they are to call the Executive Assistant at 705-775-0045 ext.1 to enquire.
- TCC will not ask for a waitlist holding fee when a family submits a waitlist registration.
When a space becomes available, the family at the top of the waitlist will be contacted, whether the space is full-time or part-time. Once a child is registered, it becomes possible to eventually accommodate for more specific needs, for example, going from a part-time to a full-time space or changing TCC site.
For more information, see our Parent Handbook.

Peterborough and Bridgenorth Locations
Infant Full Day $59.00
Toddler Full Day $46.00
Preschool Full Day $43.00
JK/SK Before School Care Program $11.00
JK/SK Before & After School Care Program $24.00
JK/SK After School Care Program $13.00
JK/SK School Age Full Day - PA Days and Summer Camp $43.00
6-12 years Before & After School Care Program $25.00
School Age Full Day 6-12 $43.00
School Age AM Program 6-12 $11.50
School Age PM Program 6-12 $13.50
Buckhorn Location
Toddler Full Day $23.00
Preschool Full Day $21.50
JK/SK Before School Care Program $11.00
JK/SK Before & After School Care Program $24.00
JK/SK After School Care Program $13.00
6-12 years Before & After School Care Program $25.00
School Age Full Day 6-12 $43.00
School Age AM Program 6-12 $11.50
School Age PM Program 6-12 $13.50
Fees are calculated on a monthly basis and parents must pay whether their child attends or not. This includes days missed due to illness, inclement weather, vacation and statutory holidays. Trent Child Care does not offer a reduction for siblings.
- Trent Child Care is participating in the Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) plan and base fees that families pay will be reduced following the governmental timeline. (A fee reduction of up to 25% (to a minimum of $12 per day) for eligible children retro to April 1, 2022. A 50% fee reduction on average for eligible children by the end of the calendar year for 2022, a cap of $22.00 a day as of January 1, 2025 and a $10 per day average child care fees for eligible children by the end of fiscal year 2025/26.)
- At our Buckhorn location, the costs for children up to age 4 have been cut in half due to funding from the Ministry of Education. They will also see a fee reduction based on the amounts and timelines outlined above.
Fee Payment
Monthly fee payments are to be paid in full by the first working day of each month. Fees can be paid by cheque, money order, pre-authorized debit or etransfer.
Through Children’s Services of Peterborough, families may be eligible to receive a subsidy to help with their child care fees. To determine if a family qualifies for a full or partial subsidy, a needs assessment must be completed by the family with Children’s Services (705-748-8830 and choose option 4).
Information about the City and County of Peterborough Child Care Fee Assistance
Our Executive Director, Program Supervisor and Executive Assistant are available to help guide you through the process.
Note: Subsidies must be renewed every six months.
For more information, see our Parent Handbook.